The “5 Years” Ends

Today is the last day of the five year period I am going to forever call, “The 5 Years.”

By New Year’s Day in 2004, it was pretty obvious my marriage was over. I had been and continued to go off the deep end and made most everything worse.
By May of 2004, my business was pretty much over due to craziness on my part. I’ve come up with a new saying, “Multitasking is doing many things wrong, slowly.”
On my birthday, June 18, 2004, my Mom died while I was asleep.
In August of that year my marriage did physically break up.
My friend said that I was looking at two pretty difficult years before things started turning around.
Never being one to do something in two years I could do in five, I took five years.
I took The Five Years.
But they’re over.
I’m going to call the next five years, “The Better Five Years.”
And now some more important information.
I have shoes just like this:

In case you’ve been living on Mars, this is Jupiter:

I want one of these, but I’m only going to buy one when I can pay cash (which is pretty much my new policy about everything):

I still like Jennifer Aniston (because I’m a human male — if you’re male and you don’t like Jennifer Aniston then perhaps you’re not human… get a blood test):

I could really use some of this:

I am determined this year to find a market for these (click on the image!!):

Today I’m buying something like this:

Thanks for reading my blog!

October 24th, 2010: Holy FUCK!  10 months into 2010 and everything sucks SUCKS SUCKS!  I’m sick of whining publicly, but for some reason I’m compelled to write something.  This is like a logbook from a doomed expedition… things written down so those who follow will know what happened.  But why do I care?  Who’s going to read this when I’m gone?  My kids?!?  Maybe they’ll be curious.  I wrote something a little earlier today saying that I want to do no harm… Is this blog going to do harm to my kids?  #1 would say that it will, but I suspect she doesn’t like the blog because my story differs from her story.  Again, holy fuck.  I am SO SCREWED.  I don’t see a way out except becoming a different person — something which I’m really resistant to doing.

October 30th, 2012: MORE HOLY FUCK!  Just 34 months into “The Better Five Years” and everything SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!  (that’s one more suck).  Yesterday I killed my phone.  Did I become another person late in 2010?  No.  Did I quit smoking at the end of 2009?  No.  I quit smoking like at the end of August, 2012.  I did smoke a pack of cigarettes last week though.  I’m looking around for more.  I quit taking DXM…  I don’t have any money to buy cigarettes or DXM or chewing gum, but anyway, I quit.


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