
I enjoyed a nice little breakfast at the Salvation Army in Shawnee, Oklahoma then attended the morning announcements and the Sunday school lesson which was from Judges, a book in the Old Testament.

I would give you a synopsis of the lesson, but you can look up Judges if you like.  There are plenty of online references.

The super short version: It’s about judgment.

The Old Testament is about judgement and punishment.  I am God, I brought you out of here.  Now why do you keep testing me?  In any pissing contest, I’m going to win for I am God.  Read my words, I am God, I will nuke you if I have to.  This is mutually assured destruction!!!  The most important thing to me is your worship, so if you don’t worship, then I will kill you and make 4 more just like you who will worship me, by God, and if all else fails I’ll kill you all, save a small family of good people and a nice sexual smörgåsbord of the tastiest animals to eat.  Do not worship these animals, but sacrifice some of them to me from time to time for I am God and in my own words in Exodus, I am a jealous God, you are my bitch (or am I your Bitch), and Hell has no furry like a Bitch scorned, so I will fucking nuke you.

Oh, and here are some of my friends who understand me better than you do.  They will tell you what to do next.  You came to them when you were at your weakest, and they offered you my salvation, and they assured you that you’re not dreaming, you are powerless to get yourself out of trouble, because sin can only be conquered by my only begotten Son, the only human worthy of even smelling my shoes.

Put simply, I am God and you are not and here are some of my friends to explain why.

They will also warn you about people who might say I am not God.  Be wary of those people.  They will come, one day, I have warned you.  My Word tells you how it will happen, for I see it.

There will be a message of Love, but this is a lie.

They will talk of Peace, but there can be no peace.

They will say that now the World can be One (won), but I have warned you that the person bringing that message, the most effective communicator to date, a person born of the space age, raised in the computer age, and harvested in the information age, is the ultimate evil, the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

He who smelt it, dealt it.

He who cutteth the cheese, smelleth it firstly.

I assure you that power structures set up in the name of God are dangerous and they have proven that throughout history by killing anyone who challenges that authority that they believe they were rightfully given by God, proven by the dogma stored in the basement, where you cannot go, by the traditions of old.

If you say the Earth is not the center of the solar system, then you are a crazy person.  If Holy Mother Church says there are six fingers on your hand, then there are six fingers.

I also assure you that these organizations do great deeds, and they should be thanked, but it could be seen that these deeds were the price paid to you for your soul, which you gladly handed over for a warm meal and a clean place to sleep.

God bless those who feed the hungry and clothe the naked and comfort the sick.  May God’s love shine through them and protect them from sin, the little evil that lives within us all.  For the one who brings mercy is trusted and trust is power granted.  Trust is the pin code to your soul.

So I had a nice breakfast of half a banana, four strawberries, and one biscuit with white, sausage gravy on top.  I also had two cups of coffee.

It was a pleasure to visit with the guys at the shelter.

In these postings about my time at the homeless shelter, you can learn about some of the cats with whom I had the honor to share digs!!  I love all these people… Even the few who irritated me.  Even the ones in power who I could see right through to their little evil nuggets just dying to get out.

Life in the Homeless Shelter
Life in the Homeless Shelter, Part 2
Life in the Homeless Shelter, Part 3
Life in the Homeless Shelter, Part 4

Life in the Homeless Shelter, Part 5
Life in the Homeless Shelter, Final Episode

(I’m being dramatic because I’m a writer.  Everyone at the Salvation Army is there for the right reasons.  They’re faithful servants in a system that was built long before I came along and they literally saved my life in September.  I was sleeping outside in Stillwater in a box, in the rain, and winter was a comin’ on soon.)

Here is the story about when I went homeless in September:

I Love You Grandma and Grandpa!

Before I continue, this is a reminder that some of these stories will disappear from the blog one day.  I don’t know which day, but they will, when the energy is right.  A little birdie will tell me when.

The reason I’m posting this stuff now is because I’m supposed to post it, but I assure you that anyone who is part of that very system will kill to defend it, if they feel their authority is being challenged.  And the system gives them justification and forgiveness.

The difference between God and Satan is your point of view.

There is only God then there is everything else.

Evil lives within you; it is a thought disease.  It has nothing to do with God.  There is no Satan.  Any attempt to put a name on evil is an attempt to relieve yourself of responsibility for your own actions, the evil you committed, hatch by a little plotter in your subconscious, which was programmed by you, at the insistence of the people who knew you when you were the most vulnerable, at a time when you took everything as the truth.

This time started the moment you had senses, in utero, and were able to gather information about the world.  At first there were no lies because only information encoded by human beings can be misleading.

When you sense darkness, you are in the dark.

When you sense warmth, there is heat.

When you sense love, is there love?

I love you, but your attitude sucks.

I love you, but you’re a loser.

I love you, loser.

You’re a loser.


Fuck you.

Be careful of what you say to your kids.

Be careful of what you say to yourself.

Do you know what your subconscious really is?  Your subconscious is the root of your reality, it is actually your conscious self, buried under so many layers, that you can no longer remember what it felt like to be you at that point.

Every “frame” of your state goes into your brain.  It includes everything you’re sensing and everything you’re thinking about what you’re sensing, and everything you think about what you’re thinking about what you’re sensing.  This is recursive in that it continually reconsiders itself and what it considered about it and why.  This point of presence in your memory is always there, thinking about itself and what it thinks about itself is based on what it knows then and what it can remember knowing in the moments before.

The biggest impacts on these points of presence are made when there literally is no information before.  When you were in your mother’s belly, the most important imprints were made.  You learned to love your mother.  You heard her voice.  You listened to her heart.  You were warm and you were never hungry or uncomfortable (usually)… It was sweet.  You don’t imprint on your mother and love her instantly from birth, you grew to love her inside you.

You hopefully came to know your daddy’s voice.  You also came to know the music your parent’s listened to.  You were listening to their television shows!!

You love your parents because you knew them before you were born.  You don’t remember what you were thinking not because of some developmental stage in the brain but because there are so many layers of thought on top that those kernels of presence are buried deep inside.

Your kernel, your baby self, your subconscious is still listening though and it still has a huge influence on all the points of presence that came after.   In essence, it is the oldest kid on the block.  It has the most experience.

If you were hurt when you were young, then that hurt little you is still there and it’s the big brother and it is watching and it will build the wall and it will protect you the best way it knows how.

It will strike out and hurt those who might hurt you before they get a chance.  It doesn’t care if you’re going to look like a fool.  It doesn’t care if you’re going to ruin someone’s day.  It doesn’t care if you’re going to break the chair.  It doesn’t care if you break her heart.  It doesn’t care.  It only hurts and no one if going to hurt it more.

So I drove to the Salvation Army at about 8:30 and when I pulled up, Dan the Canadian World Traveler was standing outside and he offered me a sort of salute… Canadian style.  Canadian bacon.

Dan is a very good looking man, in his early fifties, with mostly blonde hair, a good tan, a few extra pounds, but he carries it well.  Dan has a Ducati bike in storage in California.  He let me know that he’s found a place and is moving out this week.  He has money for a Chevy Venture he’s been wanting to buy.

A few weeks ago he sent me a text message: “Hey, could you please put an ad on Craigs List saying I want to  buy a Venture?”  I thought it was crazy, but I did it.  I didn’t put his phone number, like he asked, I put in my email address.

Four hours later, a lady emailed me.  She has a special edition, Warner Brothers Venture with leather and all the goodies and she was asking $1500 less than my partner wants to pay.  Four hours later.  The Internet is a wonderful thing.  Since then, nothing even half as attractive has been found.  There were no other contacts from Craigs List.

God is Good and He proves it EVERY DAY, people.

If you haven’t seen it, then you’re not paying attention.  Someone said, “Hey! Look at the size of that cat!!” And you looked away.  You’re still looking for that cat, your back turned to the Truth.

Were you blinded by science?

So I smoked a cigarette with Dan Dan the CanadIan and then went inside to get some coffee.

Did I mention that much of this text will disappear soon?  Puff!!  Like it was never there.  Legend.  Hearsay.  Bullshit.  Imagination.  Retelling.  Dogma.

You might want to refer a friend to this blog.

You should follow me on Twitter.

You’re going to need TweetDeck.

If you are reading this then it’s because you’re a person I trust.  You’re willing to read it and let it just roll over you.  You’re not going to take it straight into your brain.  You’re going to think about it and pull out of it what you find useful.  You’re going to notice that I am not saying “Look at me!  Look at me!!  I’m smart!! I know God!!! Love me!!!! Love me!!!  Pay me!!! Do what I say!!! Fear me!!!”

Do you fear God?

Why are you God fearing?

God doesn’t kick you in the head.  Fear being kicked in the head, if you like.  Better to get a helmet.

Some prefer aluminum foil, but your mileage may vary and aluminum foil is not intended to treat any medical condition although it may indicate a medical condition.  Consult your doctor.

Your doctor doesn’t need to know you read my blog.

Your doctor doesn’t need to know where I live.

A trained doctor who does not believe in God will have to assume that these are the ravings of a lunatic (technical term) and will suggest to the court that I am in need of medical attention, stat.

But this time around I have a network of friends. They’re all perfectly sane people who can attest that I am no a threat to myself or others. The greatest friend is my teacher, Dr. Dan Marker, who for sure knows nothing of my mention of him here, or of these claims. He can only testify to my behavior. He does not know what I think or why I think it. He just knows I have not demonstrated any dangerous behavior.

I’m mostly harmless.

42,  I love you.

Can’t you hear the Beatles singing that?

42, I love you.

Love is the word.

Did you see it on Twitter when I said that the power of the Beatles will fully be realized when people my age get into political power?  Love is all you need.

Your kids were listening when you were singing in the car.  What were you singing?

Were you singing that bitches are ho’s and the most important thing in the world is your bitches and ho’s and your fat stack and your shiny grill?

Kill the man!!

They’re listening, yo!

They’ll be in power, yo!

You are creating our future, yo!

It’s just music.  Music reflects reality.  Yes, it does and reality repeats.  You think history repeats, but the future is born in your kid’s head.  They don’t know if they’re hearing history, reality, or fiction.  They have no context, no believe system, to grade your music by.

They listen to what you say, they listen to what you listen to, they watch what you do.

You tell them not to lie to you, but you lie to your girlfriend.  You can’t make it to lunch because you have to do your hair.  You’re really having lunch with your other girlfriend, but you’re too chickenshit to tell her the truth.  You lie to save her feelings and in the process teach your baby to be a liar.

She’ll be lying to you to stay out late.

She’ll be lying to you to see her boyfriend.

She’ll be lying to you about having sex.

She’ll be lying to you about her recent weight gain.

She’ll be lying to you about that abortion.

It’s okay, her baby wasn’t conscious yet.

She has to lie to you because she doesn’t trust you.

You cannot be trusted because you’re a liar.

She saw you lie.

You’re a bitch and a ho.  The rhythmic music told her so.

If you’re a bitch and a ho, and she came from you,. then she is a bitch and a ho.

She needs a man with a fat stack and a fat car with a fat dick and a smooth trick.

He’s a magic man, momma.

What kind of country is this where I cannot order delivery cigarettes?!?

I’ll be right back.


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