Things to Read

Did you read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?

Did you read all of Vonnegut’s stuff?

I’ve actually read more fiction than these guys but I always come back to them.

Little Man, your sister and I read the Narnia books and the Wizard of Oz books and the lots of other books.  You should make some time for the Narnia books.  I bet you’ll love them.

Baby J, I tried to read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to you, but you were bored, bored with it.

Douglas Adams I think just entertained me with the way he phrases things… putting together a good double negative isn’t entirely unlike art.

I swear there’s a message there.

42… it’s arbitrary.

There is no universal answer to life, the universe, and everything.  You can find your own answer.  I hope you do.

Your mother is going to say that the answer to life, the universe, and everything is you two… and her pal, Jesus.

I love you two, but I don’t feel like we’re together or will be….  Knowing you’re out there is awesome, but I don’t look forward to seeing you.  I know we’ll not see each other again.  I’m sure of it.  There’s no point planning for it.

If I was able to scrape together 2.5 more years to get to the end of this protective order, I GUARANTEE YOU that your mother will have me in court again on something, anything.  I won’t be allowed to see you while you’re minors.

Baby J, you turn 18 in about 4 more years.  I suspect by then your mother will have so much control over you… probably using money you need for something… like college… that she’ll keep you from seeing me.

I can’t sit in court and listen to her lie about me again.  I’m so frustrated by the whole legal process… Whether it’s been used on me, or I’m thinking about what I’ve seen done to others…. It MIGHT be the best system in the world, but it sure looks like it’s only a good system for those that can afford an attorney.

In fact, it seems as though the system intensionally screws you over if you cannot afford an attorney… to teach you to bring an attorney next time… LOSER.


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