Babies and the Global Market

Plop down two little American brothers to crunch up some things with rocks and this interchange would probably be the same.  We’re all the same, but others convince us we’re of different worth.

It makes sense to help your neighbor.  I agree, your neighbor usually lives right next to you.

In America, even the poorest of us have access to clean water.

I would never suggest that we dismantle our system in the United States, because I think it’s the best around.

It would be cool if companies could come to American consumers and says, “Hey, we did manufacture these things in another country because we know you expect to pay as little as possible for these things, but ours are just 10% more expensive because we decided to build a water treatment plant in the community where our factory is… and we have a clinic for our employees and their families…”

I’m dreaming.

American consumers, as a group, have been convinced that they have to have so much of everything (and that’s their right — I wouldn’t change that)…. Consumers are so strapped by their desires and their debts that they have to pay as little for each individual thing as possible so they can get that one more thing.

If I needed school clothes for my kids, and some company’s clothes were a little more expensive because of some initiative like dreamed above, maybe I can’t afford it because I’m sure I have to get an HDTV.  So, I buy clothes perhaps sewn by other human children, on a Tuesday, instead of going to school… which they have to do because their father doesn’t make enough doing whatever to buy food for the whole family.

These things won’t be solved in single strokes and there’s no reason to feel guilty about doing well, I’m just saying that the free market is brutal to companies who aren’t completely focused on profit margin.


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