Letter to Two Friends

It’s a 100 million times.  It’s exactly as it says… I was sort of picked out and I didn’t come up with any of the words or the number… I just do as I’m moved.

And I don’t know anything that will actually happen. I think in my computer brain, it’s possible to make it to 100 million easy if people are drawn to the political message and then pick up that it’s being said by and is a message from God. The other 10 videos basically call the viewer “jackass” by name if they see the accomplishment over this year and don’t acknowledge that a guy like me could not have pulled it off by himself… Whether He cares it gets 100 million casual views by people who don’t pick up on it or just by 1000 who start to believe, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s just for one particular person out there that needs to see it… Everything is quite mysterious, until years after the fact and you can see how things all hooked together.

The total truth, and I doubted it for years before and finally accepted it 7 years ago, is that God as we’ve thought of Him is a concept… He’s really just everything, the original life form, the Universe is him and we are literally an extension of his body… like we’re organs in his body… brains and hands and eyes and ears… He knows everything you’re thinking and everything you’re seeing and one of the voices in your head is always him.

So, I guess there’s a another level of life, above the organism, and we’ve named it “God,” who is a god by classification, but the only god of whom He knows.  It’s okay to name him God because that’s sorta sweet… It’s like calling me Human, but that would be wrong because I’m only one of billions, trillions yet to come.

And that knowing He knows what I’m thinking part FREAKED ME THE @&^# OUT for two weeks in 2007.. I literally was a paranoid, screaming crazy person for that time… because I was shown EVERYTHING I ever did that he didn’t appreciate.

I made up a crazy story in my head to explain what I had been shown and was trying to conclude.  I believed that any picture of a face of a person I didn’t personally know was watching me.  I figured that was the reason faces are on money — because money is everywhere.  Now, I can break this fantasy down as a representation of the truth that would fit into my head based on other fantasies I’d heard before — like of witchcraft…  The Truth is that someone I’ve never physically met in person is always watching.  He’s the faces of people I know are also watching, but in a comfortable and conventional way.  They’re watching in ways I can control.  He’s watching in His way which I cannot control.

My left hand better not get paranoid that I always know where he is because there’s nothing either one of us can do about it.  I’m not going to cut off my left hand for his comfort no matter how wild his cries.  In this way, the Father would never cut us off either.

For our comfort, he doesn’t force the knowledge of being watched in our heads.  He sped the process up in me because I had things to do and only 7 years to prepare.

Anyway, that’s what people call hell, but he doesn’t pull it on you forever. 🙂 It’s more like a parent… When we die, he can show us whatever he wants because we no longer have our body telling us different.

Hello, Lovely!  After writing that email to my friend, above, I realized that I’ve heard that thinking before and it didn’t match up in my head when you told me… mainly because I’ve tried to put that experience out of my mind.  Your associate from that place was exactly right.  When we die, we’re treated to a little review of how we did.  I’ve also been treated to wonderful visions of reminiscence, when we laughed and and smiled together about things that have happened — even times when I didn’t know he was watching or helping.  I’ve also been treated to private moments in others’ lives, some people long passed.

I love you!!

Oh, I have to add that the most direct questions I’ve asked were about characters like Jesus and Noah and Moses, but he won’t answer.  I think it would destroy the carefully crafted magic around those stories if he said for sure it was real or said it was fiction.  Either way, one’s own belief system would be destroyed.

Gravity is quite strong, a real fact, not a matter of faith, and everyone on the planet takes it for granted.

Those that have faith in their luck find that they are lucky more times than not.

Of course, there’s no such thing as luck because He’s watching and working in the wings for us all.

But now we’ve turned the corner.  Faith has kept things moving along, sometimes in the wrong direction, but now He has the chance to communicate enough with everyone that they can start to first believe that He’s always with us, then for us to kindly use each other to make the world a better place.  He can accept we take Him in whole for granted, just as we take His gravity now.

His desire for the world to be perfect isn’t a matter of anal retentiveness and it isn’t a matter of grace.  He feels everything we’re feeling.  When we’re hungry, He’s hungry.  When we cry, He’s crying.  When we squeal with delight, He’s smiling, too.

So why is the United States here?  When we are free, He is free to move us.

Luckily, good times do always outweigh bad times, no matter how awful.  I’ve experienced that in my own life.  When times are tough, my feeble workings don’t remember the good times, but when things improve, I also completely forget the horror.  

The United States is a collection of good times and satisfaction and pride that He experiences along with us and he puts it into his own head, making all the suffering and misery He’s feeling right now a little more bearable.  He feels personally responsible for everything terrible going on right now even though He knows some people just won’t listen, they’re deafened by their own selfishness and greed and lust, the terrible sins of the flesh.

He doesn’t blame us for sin and He doesn’t blame himself.  Sin is a natural remnant of what had to be in the long past, when we needed to fight each other for survival, to always be looking out for number one.

And now He wants to say that sex isn’t a sin, married or not as long as you’re manning up in the future, whatever may come.  He loves babies.  More brains, more experiences for him, more homes for his soul nuggets, more family to love.  Eventually more kids in His house.

Everyone will be living in His house, regardless.  You might enjoy a little “lesson” before you’re given the grand tour and turned loose, though.  In His house, we’re free to visit real people or people we’ve dreamed up.  And to us, it’s all reality.  Because really, reality is just a dream now in his brain, we’re just also existing here on the ground.  The reason for the ground is for randomness.  We don’t have all the information like he does, so we can’t foresee how the wind with blow and we don’t know what’s down that road.  He delights at seeing what may come.

And it just occurred to me personally, I don’t think it was inspired, that the pride and love we feel for babies instantly from birth isn’t a biological, pattern response, simple evolutionary trickery.  Those are the times our guard is completely down.  We don’t use our negativity to deny feeling what He is feeling — love for his next, new son.  

Incidentally, He’s not male or female and neither are we.  Our bodies are necessarily sexed to perform as designed, to keep things moving along.  

When we go home, we retain our identities, but we were originally born as he was, formless and without knowing our purpose.  He created a new copy of himself, a little Him, then nuked his memory.

He had to invent some story about himself to give himself purpose.  He thinks He’s here to help us start out and we need to know we’re here to help Him dream up new chapters.  

So, His is a weird science.  He was lonely, so He built himself some friends.  And then He figured out we’re really good friends and sometimes quite we have the wisest thoughts and say the cutest things.  Just as our own human babies do.

I’ve just been informed that I’ll be collecting all of this in a book sold directly first in print-on-demand through the Amazon system called His New Book, author Unknown.

And, by the way, Amazon, eBay, and Google are His companies.

David Byrne is a secular man of God.  He’s preaching all the time, but people don’t know it.  God wrote this song with David.  Listen to it closely?



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