Intelligence: I’m lovin’ it

In case you’re living on Mars: This is a McDonald’s cup.

While waiting on a computer process to finish, I remembered a statement I’ve been prepared to make the next time someone tells me I’m intelligent.

Then I was looking around for a picture to put on this post and decided “borrowing” other peoples’ pictures is not a good idea when I have a camera and can come up with my own.

So, I took this picture of a McDonald’s cup.

“I’m loving’ it,” is the most insidious slogan ever devised by Madison Avenue.

Ok, “insidious” might be an exaggeration, but my intelligence noticed and wants to point this out to you: When you read that slogan, you are telling your subconscious that you love McDonald’s.  Every time you listen to the jingle, you cannot help but sing along… telling yourself that you’re lovin’ every bite.

Genius.  That’s advertising genius.

We’re all intelligent.

For whatever reason, there are a few of us that are a little slower than the rest, but for the most part, all adults add up to a perfect 10 on Joe’s intelligence scale.

You might think I’m quite handy with a computer, and I am, but I’ve juggled a lot of my ten points on computers.  When other kids were learning how to get along with their neighbors and be smart with money and take care of business, I was programming alone in my room on a little computer.

So, the result is that I have 8 points on computers, 1 point on personal hygiene, 0.12 points on balancing a check book, and the rest on coping with life.

Those nonsensical tests that measure intelligence are measuring certain skills that are of value to people in particular professions — they don’t measure your ability to find your way through life.

Who gives a crap whether you can rotate 3 dimensional objects in your head as long as you bring home the bacon and share it with your laughing kids?

My own intelligent tunnel vision has really cost me in the bacon and kids departments.  Bacon can be made later, but time with my kids I’ll never get back.  So, I’ve spent the last few years paying very close attention to how you manage to get through your days.  It turns out that you’re much more interesting than a computer.

Wait, I don’t know if I have 0.12 points on balancing a check book because I was never smart enough to bother.


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