BabyJ: Scrambled Eggs with Cheese

One Sunday morning, BabyJ, you and I were up early. Your mommy was sleeping in, so I decided I would make us some breakfast.

You had recently started feeding yourself and so I decided it was time to teach you to make scrambled eggs with cheese.

I pulled your high hair into the kitchen and got you set up with some Cheerios and juice and then proceeded to show you every step of making the eggs and toasting the toast.

You loved every second of the performance and then, when the eggs had cooled a little, you scarfed a bunch of them down and loved them and then promptly broke out with itchy hives.

I broke the rule, eggs and cheese.  We didn’t know which you were allergic to at first and later a doctor determined it was both.

I felt so bad about it.  You had loved the eggs and cheese.

Wow, that was a long time ago.

So, on your first birthday, we knew what you were allergic to, so your mother ordered a big cake for your guests and a little cake for you to eat.  Your little cake was supposed to have regular frosting, but it turned out that it also had frosting made with butter like the big cake… you smeared a bunch of it on your face and promptly broke with itchy hives.


You loved that cake, though.

And now, a picture of your brother eating spaghetti, which he loved dearly…

Does Little Man still have the biggest voice on the block?  His very first breath of air was followed by a wailing that impressed even the salty delivery nurses — in the delivery room and out at the desk and down the hall.
I’m not sure the doctor who delivered the baby with the big man voice was paying much attention.  She was frighteningly ignorant of some of the process.  Maybe she was drunk, I don’t know.  I swear to God, she asked a nurse an anatomy question.  Well, God remembers.  Sorry to swear.
You’re both healthy, smart kids. 
I miss you.
Much unhappy face.


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