Remembering the Future: Obama was a one-term President.

Before I copy this, I want to say that I LOVE Obama.  I really think he’s an awesome character.  Heck, I LOVE CLINTON.  Another AWESOME character.  We need these people.  Obama needed to have a shot — we’ve benefited in many ways (mainly, we’ve benefited by the example that the Presidency should not be operated in that way and that dismantling capitalism is a really bad idea).  Now, Obama does NOT want to dismantle capitalism, but he’s a lightning rod for those who do.

Joe Winett
Obama will be one-term because it makes a better Story (capitalized). This shift back to a more conservative state is going to result in less power for labor and more power for elite, but the quality of life for everyone will shoot up again for a time. Then, as people should, we’ll return to concern over corporate power over labor and corporate abuses of the environment. So, this will result in more power to the government to keep our land clean, resulting in even more expensive prices for oil products including gasoline. But gasoline is the biggest reason we bother with oil (we use up gasoline faster than we use up petroleum based products like plastic). The solution will be to start using more electricity for transportation (as oil prices go up, and the cost of cleanly refining it into products goes up, then electric cars will make more and more sense). We will end up with a public option for healthcare. We’ll also always have private insurance options for additional coverage, but the bottom line is that everyone will be able to get preventative and maintenance healthcare… even if they have to wait a few weeks to get that checkup. If you break your leg, you’re not going to have to sell your car to pay the hospital. If you want a boob job, you’re going to have to save your own money. If you want to go to the Mayo Clinic, better be rich or have that Cadillac health plan. We will take care of our veterans. We took care of them while they took care of us, why wouldn’t we continue when they need us in their older age? Thank God they made it to their older age.

All of this will happen without me ever serving in office (and without any thanks to me because I’m not going to do anything more than write stuff like this). I want to be President not to change the world, or protect our babies (although I’ll protect our babies with my life, if needed)… I just want one term as President because it’s what I wanted to do when I was a kid. I wanted other kids to read about what I did as President. I thought that would be AWESOME. I was in the 7th grade.

If it makes a better story that I’m struck down on the verge of inauguration, then We’ll write that Story. Death isn’t the end, it’s vacation.


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