Flat Land: Responding to Internal Stimuli

The stuff I’ve “seen” myself really wasn’t perceiving our universe from a different spacial dimension, but of perceiving everything from a different aspect of reality, or at a different resolution, but I have to admit I’ve experienced some wild wild stuff that I know for a fact was just generated by my own imagination, filtered back through the model built usually by our senses… doctors would call that responding to internal stimuli.

But, I don’t see how I could have imagined the way that reality breaks down in steps, as though ascending through another “dimension” and then looking at it back and seeing the cross section I could perceive from that altitude… sort of like as if we’re all conical in that fourth dimension, and that the universe itself gets smaller — fewer possibilities — and so can see farther and witness how everything in reality relates to everything else from a higher and higher vantage point… everything really being the same, repeated an infinite number of times.

Eventually there is just one thing, and it Is.


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