Danielle, Duchess of Tulsa

Gigi De Leon in “Attempting Screed”Andromeda, Season 5 

This actress reminded me of Danielle.

Yes, Danielle is a real person.

She had long, red hair the last time I saw her.

She’d had long, red hair every time I’d seen her over the decade before.

Her hair was real.  I was told they cut it off at the hospital.  She’d fallen and didn’t get up.

Red hair does seem like a running theme with me.

I can’t remember Danielle’s last name.  She wrote her full name and telephone number on a piece of paper and handed it to me… I was homeless at the time.  I might have lost that piece of paper or I might have thrown the wallet away.  I don’t want to look for it.

(I know I have the wallet, actually.  I refused to replace it for a long time because I had carried it when I was homeless.  When I finally bought a replacement, the old wallet had worn through and had strings coming out of it.)

I searched this blog for “Danielle” and was treated to some of my crazy writing.  Mmmm.  So much fun (not).

Is that the same as Lennon singing, “You can count me out (in)”?  Oh wait, I did it the other way around.


I just remembered her name.

I’m going to send her a letter… in the mail.  I have one more stamp.

I’ve told parts of how Danielle helped me to some people…

I was down and she helped me laugh.

I was hungry and she bought me tacos.

She let me wash my clothes in her apartment.

Although we’d talked a number of times, I was basically a stranger.. a homeless stranger… a homeless stranger who’d been sleeping under a bridge for like 9 nights… not smelling really friendly.

One night we were each smoking a cigarette (and, at the time, I did not smoke)… there was a long period of silence between us… she was playing a video game… I was thinking she was like my guardian angel…

and suddenly she said, “Yeh, you’re thinking I’m your guardian angel.”


God bless you, Danielle.

Thank you.


5 responses to “Danielle, Duchess of Tulsa”

  1. Wow, how did you find this post?

  2. Yes, she's a sweetie!! I'll pass along to her that you put this comment on the post.

  3. I met Danielle/Duchess years ago! She's super cool and super sweet. We worked together, she is redhead and is very much tattooed. Last time I saw her had just came out of the hospital from a car accident. She got out of the hospital and I haven't seen her in years, I've tried to search for her. I don't want to go too personal and talk about her business because there's a lot to the story; but she's awesome as a person and friend!

  4. Also, WTF does "GREEN BLUE ORANGE AND YELLOW…" mean? Why is that in there. AND NO, I'M NOT USING DXM.

  5. Update: Sent the letter on Saturday and Danielle called me this evening (Monday).

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