Diet of Beer and Steak, circa 2004

Yes, I’m actually going to post this here.  No, it doesn’t help my situation.

My fall-2004 diet of steak and beer and antidepressants really paid off when I made it to like 198 lbs… which I called 200. My monthly, 5-minute psychiatrist appointments at a brain-adjustment-facility documented both my growth in size and the failure of their drugs. Why steak and beer? HELL, why not. I didn’t have a refrigerator or a bed, but I had 2400 sq ft of depressing emptiness, two cats (who eventually punctured the air mattress that my soon-to-be-ex did leave), a large television, and a bicycle.

My fall-2004 diet of steak and beer and antidepressants really paid off when I made it to like 198 lbs... which I called 200.  My monthly, 5-minute psychiatrist appointments at a brain-adjustment-facility documented both my growth in size and the failure of their drugs.  Why steak and beer?  HELL, why not.  I didn't have a refrigerator or a bed, but I had 2400 sq ft of depressing emptiness, two cats (who eventually punctured the air mattress that my soon-to-be-ex did leave), a large television, and a bicycle.

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  • Joe Winett So, you go to the store every day, and buy steak, beer, and ice… You cook some of the steak when you get home (while drinking beer)… Then you watch HD Discovery Channel and wish you were there taking pictures of dangerous jungle animals while drinking beer… and then later, you cook more steak and share some of it with the cats (who thank you)… and then you talk to the cats while you stare at the ceiling and look forward to (while simultaneous feeling sick about) seeing your kids… there in the depressing, empty house… until you drive them back to your soon-to-be-ex-wife who you still loved but just couldn’t get it to work out anyway.. because you don’t work together… Why are the tiniest witches so addictive. 
  • Joe Winett And then you’re told be in court on Wednesday… and there you’re told to hand over some money and get out of the house by Saturday.
  • Joe Winett BUT!! You get to take a couch with you… the couch she left you before.. But it won’t fit in the apartment, so she makes a deal to trade for a love seat… and the love seat is where your nine year old daughter sleeps when your kids are visiting your depressing, empty apartment for a few days… and you visit the same game place on Saturday mornings and it breaks your heart to see your kids, but you love them, and then you drive them back on Sunday night to where they really live… and it’s somewhat chaos there… and it’s yellow there… and the enemy lives next door and owns the house… and his devious offer got the woman and the kids to leave the house… which was really silly… and you should have just moved into an apartment in the first place.
  • Joe Winett HEY, TEACHER, leave the TinyK alone. ALL IN ALL, YOU’RE JUST A… oh wait, he was a great art teacher for my kid. [I’m not actually angry about it, but it does seem somewhat unethical… and it’s been told to me that it was also mythical… and besides, wives aren’t taken, they’re lost… and sometimes they’re abandoned… and sometimes they’re just pissed. And sometimes you have to put holes in walls because that gives you something to fix later… or to ignore while you’re eating steak, drinking beer, talking to cats, and pissing in your own back yard.  The yard you’ll leave by Saturday so you can move into an apartment with easy access to a dumpster and sweet highway noise.  No holes in the walls.
  • Joe Winett So, are you happier now than you were four years ago?!?! (we were asking ourselves that in Nov 2012)… how about happier than 8 years ago? 12? I can honestly say that I was quite happy in 1996. I’m not particularly happy now, but I am happier than I was during the last few years way back there.
  • Joe Winett I miss my kids, but my kids are gone. They’re not the same kids. And I’m not going to be allowed to see them until they’re grown up.. and maybe they still won’t be interested in seeing me. So, they’re sort of mythical right now anyway.
  • Joe Winett The situation in this house is tense, but I don’t think anyone else realizes it. They may be wondering why I don’t come home and why when I’m home that I stay in my room (WITH THE DOOR LOCKED, BY GOD) …  The Mister Social Guy is Mister DXM guy… with half his brain tied behind his back… unfortunately, he did lots of talking and visiting… and I think they perhaps think that’s the real me. BUT ACTUALLY, I’m a loner… who would have never gotten around to getting hitched had it not been for switch-tail mind control and the scent of Micro Red. [Sounds like I’m angry about it, but I’m actually grateful.]
  • Joe Winett Does the YMCA have racquetball here? I host their website… I should look.

    The Y is a powerful association of men, women and children of all ages and from See More
  • Joe Winett Wow. Need to stop indulging in memories of chemical mind control… It’s weird. I can no longer get a rush out of thinking about any particular drug… but all those drugs are probably just weak simulations of the real, albeit tiny and sometimes really mean, thing.
  • Joe Winett Don’t worry, I admit I was awful. 
  • Joe Winett I like to pretend I was like this guy… and sorta, when running in a pack, I might have been more like this guy… and dxm guy is sorta like this guy (but he can’t do math)… DXM guy is gone… I frankly don’t like not being able to do math… and he’s resulted in a bunch of going nowhere and being really excited about it.

    Joe Winett's photo.

  • Joe Winett But, yeh… “I’m dying.”  Ferris: “You’re not dying… you just can’t think of anything good to do.”

    Joe Winett's photo.

  • Joe Winett I’m kinda like the second guy. I also killed a car when I was 14. That wasn’t mine.  In a really stupid way.  Dead.  Mostly dead.
  • Joe Winett And I don’t mean was… although there’s lots of was.. and now.

    Joe Winett's photo.


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