Advice to Myself in High School

I was asked by Eric Santos of 5 GUYZ BLOG to write a guest post. Their blog is written by five high school students, each “guy” posting on a particular weekday.

Emily is not a guy, but she’s definitely one of the “guyz.” I’ve used “guys” as a unisex term before and I think it’s catching on. When you’re talking about a group of people, you say, “Come on, guys! Let’s get a pizza!” no matter who is part of the group. I guess women sometimes call themselves “gals.” Freaks.

Here is a link to their posting of what I sent (text below).

Although it’s been more than 741 million seconds since I graduated from high school, I still remember being there and I suspect I always will.

I’ve often wondered what I would tell myself to make the experience easier if I could go back in time and do so.

The first piece of advice would be to get into the habit of studying hard because college was quite a bit more difficult than high school both in pace and subject material.

The most important piece of advice would be to find a way to get along with most people and simply blow off the jerks. Life is too long in general to worry about what other people think of us. To make things more difficult than they need to be by spending time trying to please those who have prejudged you just doesn’t make any sense.

Don’t sweat the small stuff (and everything except what to eat for dinner is small stuff).

Thanks 5 GUYZ for the opportunity to write for your blog!


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