
This picture was borrowed from this teacher’s interesting blog.

Individuality is the root of all evil as well as the cornerstone of valuable experience.

When you’re alone, eventually the whole universe is the same story, told again and again, always happening the same way because the rules cannot be broken.

Since we are what we are, we will always be what we have been until we are something new.

The thing to do is to add randomness so that one (the One) could experience something new.

So, He experienced small creatures and then bigger ones.  Every time the creatures got more complex, the story improved, but He could still guess where it was going, without fail.

Finally, human beings came along and were intelligent enough to do all sorts of crazy things for reasons that weren’t completely obvious.  Finally, some entertainment.

We are born with basically a clean slate to preserve individuality which is the whole purpose for our very existence.  But, the Universe enjoys pleasure as much as the next Guy, so It would prefer that we experience more happy, happy and less scream, scream, cry, cry.  Some crying is good, but misery is bad for everyone (the only one, that is).

Continued in Using The Force.


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