My Motorcycle Escort to Night Trips

This whole strip bar issue is really upsetting to some people.  I was married to one of those people.  And then I was married to a former stripper, so I’ve seen it from both sides.

I said on Facebook a while back that I was sure that these strip bars were a gift from God.  And, that irritated a few people.

See, in my life, what I think would be cool always comes around.

I am very, very rarely turned on in a strip bar.  I’ve seen it all.  When my radio station buddies took me out the day I got my perfect fake id (at age 19) to The Stables in Tulsa, my eyes popped out.  I was turned on.  And then I intentionally visited strip bars to desensitize my animal instincts.

I’m not instantly turned on when I see an attractive woman, or when I see a sexy pose.

Although I do enjoy the sights and scents of the ladies.  And I appreciate the job the ladies do and I try my best to feel the appreciation through my head and out my face, and I think they see that.  They like to be appreciated and then their faces show they appreciate being appreciated and I get a little life force back in return.

But the women who decide they can do that job are level 11 people.  And social interactions that happen at that place are really, really interesting.  Being in one of those bars is much more interesting, from an observers point of view, than being in a shopping mall or an airport (and those are two great places to watch people).

I love it when I get to talk to people and you just cannot predict what’s going to fly out of the head of someone who dances in a strip bar for a living.

I’ve heard some really wonderful lies and I’ve heard much more of the truth… It’s great.

Anyway, I said I was going to blog about what happened today, but instead I just told the story with my actual voice.

Here is the YouTube page (or it’s embedded below):


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