Year: 2023
Me Live Streaming the Writing of This Post
Welcome to this special edition of Joe Streams Stuff Live Instead of Just Doing Stuff with Joe, I’m Joe. Earlier I thought I should begin writing again. Every time I being to form a plan to write something, a plan that includes some of the following (why, what, and when, maybe a how). It’s the…
This Very Moment, I’m moving stuff from a Debian 11 to a Debian 12 server instance on Akamai’s Cloud Platform
I’m upgrading a cloud server instance. (TOMORROW) Update: I needed more power, so I up-jazzed it from 2 GB to 4GB, and doubled the number of virtual CPU cores. Now there are 2 cores. has been my Cloud Hosting Provider of choice for years now. Click here to Receive a $100, 60-day credit to…
Image Uploading: 👍
The hash is an sha-1. The file is stored somewhere based on the hash. A record of the file is stored in MySQL. That’s enough.
Hosed by WordPress Jetpack Again, so shame on me.
Sloppy removal of Jetpack caused a rewrite of this site’s hostname, Seems like just yesterday I bad mouthed WordPress for this stuff, again. So, it’s on me. Oh, points here now? Redis Object Cache clashing I think the problem turned out to be a combination of Jetpack and a Redis prefix clash. The…
Reading “C program as CGI script” while awaiting TypeScript React Project initial build at 3mbps Download Speeds
From: Getting Started with CGI Programming in C “In order to set up a C program as a CGI script, it needs to be turned into a binary executable program.” 👍 “Using the default GET method, the input is to be read from the environment variable, QUERY_STRING. ” 👍 ’nuff said. GNU cgicc is a C++ class library for…
How to Create a Video Background With CSS
Jamie Juviler: Thanks! If you want to engage first-time visitors on your website, you have about 10 to 20 seconds. To inject some life into your page content, you might want to try adding a background video with CSS. Jamie Juviler via Here’s a video of what ABIGHAIRY.COM is doing now: Here’s the source code…
Doug Gets Wormed (again)
DOUG v WORMS, 2023 — Spoiler: It’s not semen nor seamen Cleaning Up (live) w/ @abighairyspider
Never Ever The End 🖖🏻 Beer/Beef Bribery 🥩 Mensa ExCOM w/ @SteveLehto Steve Lehto has been practicing Lemon Law and Consumer Protection for 30 years. He has handled cases for thousands of consumers. He wrote the Lemon Law Bible and taught at the University of Detroit-Mercy School of Law for ten years. He is a frequent lecturer on Consumer Law and has been quoted by or appeared on…
Koprtop Imma Sorry 🖖🏻 Boring Puppets Got Nothing on You (Joe Doesn’t Sleep live)
See also: Jesus, I sat on my balls.
Marlon Brando makes it in Tahiti to Mutiny on the Bounty 🖖🏼 spoiler: no mutiny, yet
Mutiny on the Bounty is a 1962 American Technicolor epic historical drama film released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, directed by Lewis Milestone and starring Marlon Brando, Trevor Howard, and Richard Harris. The screenplay was written by Charles Lederer(with uncredited input from Eric Ambler, William L. Driscoll, Borden Chase, John Gay, and Ben Hecht), based on the novel…
PHP Programming, Eating Lunch, and Watching Video with Joe
PHP Programming and Zen Koan about Jesus Being “Almost a Buddha”
I’m writing: Yet Another Framework in PHP (YaFiP) I’m listening: a 1919 compilation of Zen koans Narrated by: Peter CoyoteLanguage: English 101 Zen Stories is a 1919 compilation of Zen koans including 19th and early 20th century anecdotes compiled by Nyogen Senzaki, and a translation of Shasekishū, written in the 13th century by Japanese Zen…
Hash of Image for GUID on (the technology powerhouse behind
Meta data stored in a “hidden” dot file, alongside. July 20 Update I’ve decided to store the files in a directory structure that is “hashed” to 4 levels. That means I can store a bunch of files more efficiently? This used to be true, for sure, because one doesn’t have to depend on the underlying…
ISPConfig 3 🖖 Manage Your Servers Directly Through Your Browser
Joe exploiting ISPConfig for his own benefit. You can, too.
Digital Communications Strategist and Technology Policy positions are open at the ACLU of WA Digital Communications Strategist The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington (ACLU-WA) is seeking a digital communications strategist (DCS). The role provides digital communications strategy, execution, and evaluation to support the goals and mission of the communications department and the affiliate through supporter education and engagement. The DCS manages website content, e-mail advocacy and marketing…
Everyday Plastic Container with Sturdy Lid
“More than just an everyday plastic container with a sturdy lid half filled with paper sneeze rags.”
I Kicked It Up a Notch: Auditioning for Bob Mills
Phoebe Sanders on Banjo Angeline the Baker (Randy’s Donuts) Salt Spring (Clouds) Sugar Hill (Elvis) Sally in the garden (Rocks) I Don’t Want to Get Married w/ Ray Helfrick Big Country (Chicken) Red Rocking Chair (Giant) Lookin’ Out My Back Door (Friends) Bile Them Cabbage Down @St.Vincent …
RSVP: See You at COM
This is a positive RSVP. C U there IRL at the Central Oklahoma Mensa meeting on the 22nd. Thanks, Joe Winett
If Trump Killed People?
Would this guy really support Trump if he committed murder or is this just a tongue-in-cheek statement to express his devotion to former President? “I’m with him until the finish,” says #MAGA #Trump #POTUS #Election2024 supporter via @YouTube This post is part of an experiment of mine re: social media reach: I’ve…
Fireworks Spark New Hope at Bryan Ranch
Pictures! This isn’t balanced but I’m uploading in the middle of the night so Stephanie can see a few
Free-Range Socks!
Anybody else play the match game? #freerange #socks #Exclusive #FreeRange #Socks
Back & Bald
What happened to my hair? My domain name expired on the 21st. Today, I was able to renew it because a kind soul licensed Karen’s Power Tools, Free Software Utility Programs for Windows. Thanks! Love, Joe
69 + 100 Subscribers Using SCIENCE!
Using SCIENCE! on the #youtubealgorithm in an unauthorized study for Tech News @InternetTodayTV. (kidding)
Coding can give ADHD brains exactly the kind of stimulation they crave
“Coding can give ADHD brains exactly the kind of stimulation they crave,” writes one full-stack developer. “Not only is coding a creative endeavor that involves constantly learning new things, but also once one problem is solved, there’s always a brand new one to try.”
A Trip to the Moon w/ Cindy and Richard, I mean, Bob
When I was little, I wanted to be a moon astronaut. It was because of this audio book. I don’t have the physical media any more, just the program I wrote that pages the book for me. I threw away all my scrapbooks, gifts from kids, wives, yearbooks, records, everything. It was GREAT. I still…
Karen’s QR Code Talker (testing)
I’ve been working on a QR code generator program to add to Karen Kenworthy’s suite of free programs for Windows. Here’s a test.
Beer is the 2nd Color of Consciousness? Alan Watts
You witness the shutdown from bedroom mode to office mode in this video. Oh, and the timeless wisdom of Alan Watts.
“You Never Know Your Own Element.” Alan Watts about the Transformation of Consciousness
Alan Watts is one of my favorites.
The Wasp and the 50th President of the United States went “viral” on the YouTube
Getting more than 20 views on a regular video I make is rare. This video has blown up because it’s being suggested on people’s YouTube home page. It’s probably the rather than me talking about striving towards being the 50th POTUS. Running for President? No, I’m striving towards being the President. There’s a difference. I’m…
They’ll Never Break Me, Mom
Cathryn Link Sparks (May 28, 1949 – June 18, 2004) Also pictured: Jordyn Diane Winett (alive)
Live Streamed for 8:16 Karenware’s Low Bandwidth Sunday Morning
As you know, I was born on 6-18 in the 816 area code.
6:18 Twice a Day
I was born on June 18th, so I appreciate it when I look at a clock and it’s 6:18. Oh oh!! Get this… I was born on 6/18 in the 816 area code. Nice, eh? And I was born / graduated in 1968 / 1986. Oh, wait … Born 6/18 in ’68 in the 816……
EGG FLIPPING 👏 Frying Pan Omelette Flip the Wrong Way
At, we like to say you can trust us to make your sandwich.
Duck Savior Killed By Car 🐥
Teens witness kindness and tragedy in the street. “Even though I didn’t know him at all, I could tell he was a good person.” Was this another case of no good deed goes unpunished?
These Minnesota Democrats Get It Done
“The Minnesota Legislature just completed what is probably the most productive session anywhere in the country since probably the New Deal,” he said. “Sweeping bills and reforms across every area of life.” Here’s a list of some of what they’ve accomplished in the State of Minnesota over this session: The party’s achievements in Minnesota, said pro-workers’ rights…
Why Are Schools Getting Worse?
A friend just asked me to think about this question. So, I’m thinking. What do you think?
Karen McKay Fowler died on Sunday, August 11, 2019.
Karen Fowler was the shit. OMG. The world lost somebody. I lost her, too. 🙁